Nation Reconciliation and
Resources for the Concerned
Section 7
Military Science
Overview: Martin Van Creveld, The Art of War: War and Military
Thought. [External Reviews]
James Holmes, Professor of Strategy, Naval War
College, lists five "greatest military strategists" here.
Primary sources
How to think about warfare
(more fundamental than strategy lessons, tactic lessons, etc.)
Master Sun's Art of War
Another source that talks about
deception, a prominent element in the thought of Master Sun, is
Joseph W. Caddell's Deception 101—Primer
on Deception.
Carl von Clausewitz, On War,
[online]. [External Reviews]
John Boyd's modern ideas [Site
1] [Site 2] [Site 3]
Note: Boyd did not write books, and there may be no
permanent repository of the papers and "briefings" that he wrote.
Generals Robert H. Scales and Paul K. Van Riper
Preparing for War in the 21st Century
General Robert H. Scales
Future Warfare Anthology
Timothy Andrews Sayle
Defining and Teaching Grand Strategy
Video Sources
General Paul K. Van Riper
Conversation with Paul van Riper
links to materials relating to General van Riper
Ancillary readings
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
Regaining Strategic Competence
Joint Force Quarterly
on strategy
Inside (National Defense
What does "chaos" mean? It means that a definitely calculable result
at each
iteration of an equation, the result of each iteration being fed
the next iteration, produces results that change greatly if the
fed into the equation at the beginning are only slightly different.
Here are two simulations that plot such successive
values. Note how the dots are spaced out in the beginning but seem
be "attracted" to fill in a pattern.
If computers had not been available to evaluate a very great number
of iterations of one of these so-called chaotic equations, it is
unlikely that anyone would have noticed how a pattern is produced
many successive calculations, although the points so calculated are
distant from each other. Some on-line devices that plot the
answers obtained from the Henon Attractor equation or the Lorentz
Attractor equation can be slowed down so that one can see the points
they are plotted one by one. The examples I have been able to
below are drawn so quickly that it is difficult to see how the
are actually constructed on the screen.

Henon Multifractal Map movie.gif [Info on Image]

A Trajectory Through Phase
Space in a Lorenz Attractor [Info on Image]
Around and around and around she goes and where she'll
land next nobody knows.
One of the important observations made by Scales and Riper is that
developments in warfare do not proceed in a linear way. They mean
e.g., doubling the number of troops in an engagement does not
necessarily double the effectiveness of the military movement
there are always other factors involved. What actually happens
on other processes, and how they behave all may be sensitive to
changes in initial conditions. The same kind of greatly varying
in results depending on slight changes in initial conditions is
demonstrated by a class of equations discovered in the course of
research on mathematical weather prediction. (See an
of one such equation, the Hénon attractor, here.)
When such an equation is
calculated through many iterations (a value calculated in one
becomes an input value in the next calculation) the answers do not
close together. If the plotting of the graph immediately above is
slowed down one can see that if a researcher were calculating
values by
hand, it would be a long time before any perceptible pattern would
emerge. The sequentially calculated values are far separated and
to be widely scattered.
However, when many hundreds of values are calculated one can see
first a roughly circular pattern emerges and then it switches over
form the rest of a sort of figure-8 pattern, and over time it will
in circles in one half or the other half of the figure.
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This page was last revised 15 August 2016.